Latest News
Friday 20 December 2024 Season's Greetings All that remains is to wish you Seasons' Greetings and a happy and peaceful 2025. Keep safe, see you all on Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 8:50 am.
Friday 13 December 2024 Choir sing at Meadowcroft Well done to our magnificent Y6 school choir who were invited to sing this week at Meadowcroft Residential care home, just across the railway bridge from school. The link was set up by the TimeGivers organisation with whom the school work closely in looking for opportunities to give back to the local community. Our older choir members sang beautifully, performing a variety of Christmas carols and other songs for the residents who loved listening and joining in. The reaction of the audience was fantastic – smiles and tears in equal measure! Thank you to Mrs Day and Mrs Bonner for accompanying us on the visit and well done again to Nia, Anais, Theresa, Marni, Anika, Tyler, Sophia, Hannah, Helen, Kennesaw, Sia, Jostan, Fredrick, Drew, Bella, Sviatoslav and Evie-Mae for giving some of the elderly members of our community such warm and wonderful Christmas memories to cherish.
Sunday 10 November 2024 Year 2 Meeting and Open Morning We are holding our Open Morning on Wednesday 13th November with tours and a meetingfor prospective Year 2 parents. Current parents are welcome to visit to see the school inaction between 9:00 and 10:30 and 11:05 to 11:45 and be given a tour by your children.We are looking forward to seeing you if you can come along.
Sunday 10 November 2024 Quiz Night Have you got your tickets yet? Join us for a revival of one of the most popular adult events in the Strand calendar. Tickets are £10 a head and a ploughman’s supper is included. There will be a bar and lots of opportunities to raise money for the School Journey fund. At Strand we commit to every child going on school journey and this means we need to raise funds through events such as Quiz Night to make this possible. Tickets available on School Spider – get them before it’s too late!
Friday 4 October 2024 4th Plinth Sculpture Unveiled Back in April, Harlow won the Fourth Plinth Art Competition for her age category. This year, a new initiative saw Harlow’s beautiful Autumn canvas turned into a 3D sculpture and put on display on a brand new ‘fifth plinth’ inside St Martin-in-the-fields Church in Trafalgar Square. Yesterday was the launch evening of the new plinth. Harlow made a lovely speech and was even interviewed by Onjali Rauf MBE! Well done Harlow!
Friday 4 October 2024 Raise Money with Easy Fundraising If you're not signed up to easyfundraising yet, please join and raise free donations for the school every time you shop online with over 7000 brands. Plus, sign up today, and we could win a £100 donation! Click here to raise funds for school
Friday 4 October 2024 Strand Food Bank Collection Needs Your Help Our local foodbank in Brentford who we work with, is desperate for donations. They need: anything that’s non-perishable, including cereals, baby food, pasta, rice, sugar, milk, pudding (eg rice pudding or custard), tinned fruit and veg, pasta sauces, tinned tomatoes, tinned meat/fish, tea/coffee, biscuits. Any toiletries like shampoo/conditioner, body wash, toothbrush/paste, sanitary products and nappies (of all sizes) would be much appreciated. All donations by 11th October, please.
Friday 27 September 2024 Financial Support Workshops The Community Hub at Brentford Library (11F Boston Manor Road, Hounslow, TW8 8DW) is hosting sessions to raise your financial game during October and November. On Friday 18, October, The Cost of Living Toolkit is equipped with money saving tips to sharpen your finances while on the 8th/15th and 22nd of November, come down to their celebrated Money Course for advice on saving and staying on top of your bills. The courses are run by the debt and benefits charity Crosslight - find out more here.
Friday 27 September 2024 SEND Parent Survey The Hounslow Parent Carers Forum are a community of parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Hounslow. Their mission is to provide support, share experiences, and work collaboratively with local authorities to improve services for families. They are currently running their Annual Survey to collect feedback about local services, so please try and find the time to complete it and/or get involved with this important local organisation if you’re a parent/carer of a young person with SEND. To complete the survey please click here.
Friday 27 September 2024 School Council Elected Over the last week the whole school has been involved in hustings to elect their representatives to the School Council. A huge number of children stood for office and bravely made speeches at their year group assemblies. Well done to everyone who took part. It’s great to see that the Strand tradition of developing responsible and committed citizens continues. The results of the elections were announced in assembly this week and the whole school was able to congratulate their new representatives as they received their badge of office.
Friday 19 July 2024 SATs Results - Well Done Year 6 The 2024 SATs results were returned to school last week and we are very proud of each and every Strandite. The table below shows the percentage of children at Strand in Year 6 and River class reaching the expected standard compared to all children nationally.
Friday 12 July 2024 Staffing for Next Year Staffing and class list have now been finalised and were sent home yesterday. The staffing structure is below. Kay Richards will continue in her role as SENDCo. Gill Coulton will be without class responsibility and will be providing additional support in Year 6. Lucy Burton will continue as cover supervisor and EAL specialist. Geoff Bonner will continue to teach music two days a week. Remi Murray will put his language talents to good use by teaching French throughout the school. Emily Smith-Stevenson will head up the PE team.We have three new recruits to the teaching team: Tamsyn Brooks is joining the teaching team as an ECT having worked as an LSA for the last 18 months. Tamsyn is passionate about food, both eating and cooking, and loves to create tasty recipes in her spare time. Having got her degree and QTS from Canterbury Uni, Tamsyn took some time out to travel before gently moving back to teaching via an LSA role.Sally Reid is training as a teacher with us having moved from the o
Friday 12 July 2024 Strand awarded a prestigious Eco-Schools' Green Flag This academic year, our pupils have received international accreditation for their exceptional work in promoting sustainability and raising environmental awareness amongst their peers. The committee have used the Eco-Schools’ seven-step framework to create positive change. They took responsibility for spearheading our environmental initiatives, with support from Miss Heale and Miss Maynard. They first conducted a thorough review of the school environment and curriculum, before developing a year-long plan of action. Our Action Plan focused on 3 key issues: biodiversity, litter and global citizenship. We then selected certain activities to increase environmental awareness, bolster the school’s sustainability, and make meaningful contributions to global conservation efforts. A huge well done to all of the committee for this brilliant achievement and their hard work! Y3: James, Ella and Malayka, Y4: Safiya, Youssif and Elaine, Y5: Muscab, Helen and Hannah, Y6: Grace, Theo and J
Saturday 6 July 2024 Super Sports Day Blessed with the best weather of the week, Sports Day took place yesterday at Chiswick School.Having debriefed after last year’s event the PE Team were determined to make this year’s eventbigger and better with improved PA system, interviews with children and Team Captains, leafletand extended viewing area. The feedback from parents and children alike was unerringlypositive! The event was a real celebration of sport with the children taking part in 16 skill tests.These were planned and chosen to represent all the skills and sports that the children havecovered over this year. This was followed by competitive events: individual races, relay and thetug-of-war. We were so impressed by the efforts of the children. Not only were they able to showhow they worked as a team in their team colours, they were also able to shine as individuals byimproving and exceeding their personal bests. The sprint and long distance runs were one of thehighlights of the day with some superb skills o
Saturday 6 July 2024 Green Party win Strand on the Green Constituency On the 3rd July, Strand on the Green Junior School went to the polls! The four political parties represented were the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party. Four children were elected to lead these parties and have been hard on the campaign trail over the last few weeks, creating posters and writing and presenting speeches to their peers. While they were preparing for a debate on the 3rd July the rest of the school discussed the importance of registering to vote. Other members of Year 5 were tasked with registering every child, to ensure they were eligible to vote. The whole school attended to watch the lively debate, deepening everybody’s understanding of the main issues affecting the UK today. This gave the children time to reflect on the policies they felt were most important to them. Finally, on election day the gym was transformed to a polling station, much to the confusion of the general public, who were looking for the real polling
Friday 28 June 2024 UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Kangaroo Well done to Evie, Karen, Oliver and Sofia from Year 6 who performed so well in theJunior Maths Challenge that they were in the top 5% of participants (includingchildren up to Year 8) and qualified for the Kangaroo follow-on round. We have justreceived the results of this extra challenge and Sofia has been awarded a Certificateof Merit which is an amazing achievement.
Saturday 22 June 2024 Year 6 Return From Beam House The children have arrived back from Beam House. They have had a cracking time in deepest Devon and returned home tired but having made some great memories. Click here to see the pictures
Saturday 22 June 2024 Team Captains Election This week, the school has been caught up in election frenzy as the children in Year 5 have been standing for high office as team captains. A huge number of children stood and made great speeches during the hustings with every child in Year 5 taking part in some way or another. The election was held today in the gym, which served as a polling station, and the results will be announced today in on Monday. In assembly today, we took the opportunity to focus on the importance of exercising the democratic right which underpins British society – voting for your leaders and taking the time to evaluate your choices, looking carefully at each candidate’s pledges and comparing them to their actions. A pertinent message given the pending general election.
Saturday 22 June 2024 Strand achieves gold in School Games Mark We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year! As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded. We are extremely proud of our commitment to sport at Strand and look forward to applying once again in 2025!
Friday 14 June 2024 West London Finals at Brunel University If this week wasn’t busy enough, Strand had not one, but two teams qualify for the West London Finals held at Brunel University on Thursday! Strand represented Hounslow in Panathlon and football and competed against schools from Brent, Hillingdon, Harrow and Hammersmith and Fulham. After becoming Panathlon champions in Hounslow earlier this year, River class managed to do one better this week and become the champions of the whole of West London! There were 6 events that consisted of various skills including throwing, catching, dribbling and running. All these skills have been worked on over the year in their PE lessons and those lessons paid off as they shone in every event that they took part in. Meanwhile, the football team not only absolutely smashed their group stage matches, winning all three games (2-1, 5-0, 7- 1), but due to scoring 14 goals in total it meant that Strand came top across all three of the groups! This meant that we went straight to the semi-finals where we f
Friday 14 June 2024 National Finals at Gtech Community Stadium This week has been an incredible week of sport. On Wednesday the whole school came to support our football team representing Brentford at the Premier League Primary Stars National Finals at the Gtech Community Stadium. Nearly 10,000 children from schools across England and Wales had competed for the chance to represent their respective clubs and Strand became this year’s host school for the tournament!
Friday 14 June 2024 Wimbledon Tennis Trip Ms Smith-Stevenson has managed to get a small number of tickets for the Wimbledon Tennis Championships this year. The tickets are specifically designed for schools and we have managed to get tickets on court No.2 on Tuesday 2nd July. We have a very limited number of tickets so will be choosing children at random. If your child is in years 3-5 and would like to go on the trip, please pay £1 at the office or on school spider, and their name will be put into the hat. Entries will close next Friday 21st June and we will let children know if they have been chosen the week before the trip.
Friday 7 June 2024 A Right to Read A Right to Read, is Expect Amazing's new initiative getting local companies to fund school libraries. As part of this, we have been given 3 boxes of lovely new books for our library and classroom shelves, generously donated by Caffe Torelli in Kew. It is a fantastic range of fiction and non-fiction which will be added to the library system and distributed around the school shortly.
Friday 7 June 2024 Visit from Laura Ellener - Head of Chiswick School Laura and her transition team will be visiting to do a talk to Year 5 parents on 5th July at 9am. If you are thinking of Chiswick for secondary school then please come along to hear what Chiswick can offer your child.
Friday 7 June 2024 Premier League Finals - Strand represents Brentford Next Wednesday 12th June our football team will be representing Brentford at the Premier League Primary Stars National Finals, which is being held at the Gtech Community Stadium. Since we are the host school for the tournament we have arranged for the whole school to come and support on the day. A letter was sent to families earlier this week with details of the trip. We will be leaving promptly on Wednesday and be back for lunch. Children will need a water bottle and a healthy snack. This is a really exciting opportunity for the whole school and if you have any questions, please contact the office. There is a news item on Strand on the Premier League Website – Click here to read and more on the tournament itself here. A huge well done to Miss Smith Stevenson who has been tenacious in getting the organisers to agree we can attend – it’s going to be a real treat.
Thursday 30 May 2024 Summer Fair - 15th June Our upcoming Summer Fair takes place on Saturday 15th June. There are lots of ways you can help out - volunteeringon your year group stall (talk to your class rep about this), donating raffle or auction prizes, bringing in baked goodies - please see the letter from Friends for full details. And of course, don’t forget to buy raffle tickets and bid on the fantastic auction lots! For more details click here.
Friday 17 May 2024 TimeGivers Summer Term Events Calendar Do you want your children to volunteer for their community on weekends, holidays and half terms? Here is a list of some of TimeGivers upcoming events that are free to attend and packed with inspiring fun activities. Their mission is to instil a lifelong passion for service to empower the youth of today #supportive
Friday 17 May 2024 Poets Published in Year 4 Congratulations to our Year 4 Young Writers on having their work published in the Once Upon a Dream competition. The book is a collection of fabulous poems from children in different primary schools, and we are very proud to see the creativity of our Strand writers being celebrated in this way. Well done for being so spirited and scholarly. We hope to see some more great ideas from our budding poets in the future! #scholarly
Friday 3 May 2024 Strand Shines in UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Some of Years 5 and 6 were amongst the 280,000 students to take part in the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge last week. The competition is open for children up to Year 8 which means the questions are really demanding and that makes our results this year outstanding. Our pupils were awarded 6 golds (Sofia, Evie, Karen, Oliver, Thomas and Karter), 10 silvers (David M, Charlie H, Hannah O, Charlie F, Marlowe, Fineas, Theo, Grace M, Luca and Ryan) and 17 bronzes (Kaha, Perez, David C, Jack, Fadi, Gabriel P, Emir, Mark, Talha, Coco, Holly, Felix, Tyler, Aleksa, Hattie, Najma and Selin). Congratulations to everyone who took part for showing such resilience in the face of some tricky questions. The paper is here if you want to challenge yourself #scholarly
Friday 26 April 2024 Strandites Exhibit at City Hall - 4th Plinth Yesterday, Harlow and Helen took a trip to City Hall, along with Miss Marron and Miss Reid, to collecttheir awards for the Fourth Plinth Schools Award 2024. There were over 2,500 entries this year and head judge, photographer Rankin, said he found it very difficult to pick the winners. The Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries gave out awards to children from across London for their amazing artwork. Helen won her age category in Hounslow and Harlow came first for her age category across the whole of London! The girls received some lovelynew art supplies and got to see their artwork on display in an exhibition within City Hall, which will be open to the public until mid-June. It was a fantastic day!