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Strand on the Green Junior School



Inter House Rugby

Strand has a great tradition of sporting success. Investing in sport, we have a team of three PE staff who not only deliver specialist weekly PE lessons to all fourteen classes but are also responsible for managing and training the school teams that participate in the numerous local and borough events. Last year we participated in boccia, netball, football, tag rugby, sports-hall athletics, quad kids athletics and cross-country. To prepare for these sessions, and give as many children as possible the opportunity to experience  competitive sport, we run squad development sessions each week.

Our investment in sport is paying off and we recently achieved the prestigious AfPE award.

Borough Athletics Champions

We run a variety of sporting clubs during lunch times and after school,  including basketball, netball, football, dodgeball, multisports and taekwondo. After school clubs provide the opportunity for children to experience a wider range of sports and find their passion be it taekwondo or basketball. Currently Strandites hold Gold and Bronze medals in the under 11 and under 16 age classes in the British Taekwondo Championships - all from trying the sport as an afterschool club! 

Not only do we actively participate in Inter-school competition but we also have an internal competition calendar, allowing every child to play for their team and experience the highs and lows of competition. Using our ‘house’ system of colours, red, blue, yellow and green we run competitions each half term in football, netball, basketball, cricket, rounders and tag rugby involving all children. The sporting calendar culminates in the summer term with sports day.

Our Strand sports day takes advantage of the sporting facilities Chiswick School has to offer and has a packed schedule of activities to end the sporting year. Phew! 

What is our sport offer? 

To see what Strand's sports offer is click here

Events Calendar 2024 - 25

To see the events we have planned for this academic year click here 

Selection Criteria

For more information on how we select children to compete click here

To find out how we are using our Sports Premium Funding click here.