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Strand on the Green Junior School

Cygnet and Breakfast Club

The Cygnet and Breakfast clubs are operated by Strand on the Green Junior School and provide before and after school and holiday care for children attending Strand Infant or Junior School. The Breakfast Club is held in the Community Rooms and runs from 7:45 am to 8:50 am and provides a calm and caring environment before the start of the school day. The children are offered healthy choices for their breakfast and the opportunity to play or relax when they have eaten. The cost for the club is £5 per session.

Cygnet Club is an after school scheme for both Infant and Junior children. During term time the club is held in the Community Rooms from 3:20pm at the cost of £10 a session. Parents can choose to pick up at either 5:15pm, 5:30pm or 5:45pm. The aim of the club is to provide a relaxed and caring environment for your child in which they can unwind after their school day. Because of this we do not supervise homework at Cygnet Club. However, your child is welcome to do their homework independently.

Cygnet Club liases with the other clubs and enrichment programmes we offer, collecting children from on site clubs or music lessons parents have booked, to ensure children have full access to these activities. 

We provide a light tea and drinks for your child, involving the children in drawing up the menus and planning the meals, to ensure they develop healthy eating habits. The children have the opportunity to take part in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, weather permitting.

Whilst we recognise that the Cygnet club and Breakfast club are not school we do expect the children to comply to our code of behaviour and treat each other, the staff and the equipment with respect.

Maria Alleyne is in charge of the day to day running of the club and can be contacted on 07852 491432 or you can contact the club administrator, Kev Thorne, by emailing cygnet@strandjuniors.hounslow.sch.uk 

Places can be reserved by completing the registration form. If you require an 'ad hoc' place for one day or a short period of time please contact Katie O'Neill in the Junior office to book a place. The cost for an 'ad hoc' place is £7 for Breakfast and £12 for Cygnet. Katie can be contacted on 0208 994 7847 or admin@strandjuniors.hounslow.sch.uk. We are happy to work with government subsidies such as Tax Free Childcare (TFC) and Universal Credit Childcare to help with affordability. Check you eligability here.   

Click here for a copy of the Cygnet Club Parent Handbook. 

For a Holiday Club registration form click here